NEW: Order Protection

Great news! In an effort to keep all of your favorite products safe and secure in transit, Sonny Angel USA has partnered with to offer SonnyAngelProtection on each and every order placed from our site.

SonnyAngelProtection is a new product protection service that insures your order for every major issue that might occur throughout the shipping process, including internal damage, loss and theft, and incorrectly-shipped items.

Now, when you’re ready to check out, you will see this toggle at the bottom of your cart:

For your convenience, SonnyAngelProtection is automatically added, but you can opt-out at any time prior to checkout. Its price is dependent on the value of your order and will typically cost between $1.35 - $15.00.

What does this mean?
With SonnyAngelProtection purchased, if you encounter any issues after your order has been marked delivered by your postal carrier, you can now quickly and easily file a claim through our SAP Portal and receive round-the-clock support! Customers have 30 days to file a claim, and we will do our best to resolve your issue as quickly as possible, whether by refunding or reshipping the order in question.

If you’re interested in learning more about, you can visit their shopper information page here.